As cybersecurity threats evolve, staying ahead of cybercriminals has become more challenging. Join Jason Gotway, Partner and Technology Practice Leader at Anders CPA in St. Louis for this informative live webinar and walk away with actionable steps for your business.
This seminar will explore the current state of cybersecurity, focusing on emerging threats and best practices for businesses to protect their data and systems. From AI-powered phishing emails to the growing risks of business email compromise, mobile device vulnerabilities, and the ever-present danger of ransomware, we’ll cover the essential strategies you need to safeguard your business.
Key Takeaways:
-How AI is reshaping phishing tactics and how to recognize them
-Understanding business email compromise and how it happens
-Best practices for securing mobile devices in the workplace
-How to prepare for and respond to ransomware attacks effectively
Free Webinar + SHRM Credit
Lacee Breeden
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